Loving What Is

By Dana

It's that time of year when we're celebrating LOVE...

While we're busy celebrating the love we have for the people in our lives and (hopefully) the love we have for ourselves, there is a 3rd type of love that is often forgotten... LOVING WHAT IS.

We're often so busy doing, accomplishing, creating and buying that we don't pause long enough to fully take in - and LOVE - what we've already accomplished and what we already have. This is why so many of us feel like we're on the busy hamster wheel of not-enoughness.

You have likely experienced this, perhaps even now...

Feeling like you're not doing enough, not successful enough, not being enough.... and constantly feeling like you need to do, be and have more, More, MORE.  

Trust me, if you don't fully appreciate what you have and honor who you are and what you've already achieved, no more doing or buying will make you happy.

Your happiness, my friend, is an inside job.

This is not to say that life is easy or that you currently feel fulfilled and complete.

It does however mean that when life feels tough and when you're craving change, it will be ever-so-much easier when you approach it with the peace of already loving what is.